A conversation with a Jordan
Today is August 10th; it has been two months since they have been gone.
For some reason I thought I could skip today and go on to the 11th, but life doesn't
let you cheat just because you don't want to face reality. hmph. Grudgingly, the worker bee,
the 9to5isher-that I am-I dragged myself to work-late. I face my day with as much diginity that
I can muster..I had some stashed in my back pocket just in case of an emergency. Thank shiva
I was able to paint a smile on my face, but it had melted off by noon. The droning buzz of the air conditioner almost drove me insane, but without it the silence would have been unbearable in my office. However, my supervisor came in around 3pm and tried to stir up my frustration with his usual ignorant and condescending remarks. When I thought he had figured out all the ways to treat me like a "dumb Indian", he goes ahead and pulls another trick out of his hat and stamps his superiority on my forehead once again.
Needless to say I was watching the clock endlessly; The little black hands that were slowly etching their way toward 6pm were like the black and white checkered flags, and I was revving up my engine ready to jet li off to the starting line. Go Speedracer. Go!
However, fate had decided to throw a coincidence pie in my face at 10mins to six. A guy walks into the office looking for my boss. He's short- a whisper above 5'6" that I can tell from my desk. Short preppy chocolate brown hair and soft grey eyes. Yes, even with his large Anglo nose, he is a cutie. My voice was dripping with fatigue, but I was able to motion him towards the office down the hall where the booming voice of my boss could be heard. He thanks me and leaves. Not even five minutes later, my boss hobbles into my office, and she introduces me to the cute guy.
My heart ran out of the room at that moment! "BUT WAIT", my mind yells at my heart. I stared at him for a moment.Puzzled."Jordan?" I thought to myself, "He doesn't look like a Jordan"
The cute Jordan impostor, extended his hand to me, and I shook it. His hands were soft, yes, just like a jordan, but small. Jordan's have banana hands. Huge, with slightly flat nails.
The boy spoke. He related this odd story about how he met my boss, and how she was able to get him a job at the DOI. blah blah blah. I listened intently to his story, not because it was anything fascinating, but I was analyzing his voice, his tone, his mannerisms, the way he spoke. He is from the midwest, lower vowel merger in the way he articulates his vowels, high tone, and very animated hang gestures when speaking. He doesn't sound anything like a Jordan. His voice is too high. It needs to be a low baritone, and a raspy growl thanks to years of smoking. Seth Rogen comes to mind. A jordan's voice rolls up and down like a roller coaster, not like this trickster.
After a while, my boss left to use the restroom, so I was able to interrogate this fraud and expose him for the phony that he is! Not a second after my boss waddled out the door, I quickly shot out my first question: "What is your sign...Jordan?" Taken back for moment, he was able to stutter his answer:
"AHHHH HAA!!" said to myself, " He is not a Jordan, for they are Pisces!"
He asked me why I asked, and I said that I had a friend whose name was "Jordan", and that he was a Pisces. He said oh, and something about the large number of Jordan's there are in the world. hmph. Indeed....(scratching chin)
This so-called Jordan went on to talk about his hobbies (outdoorsy type), lives in College Park MD, and is going to Grad school in Michigan. I would have grilled him more about his hobbies: Does he love video games, sci-fi, cars, or computers? Does he cook? Does he secretly listen to XXXX XXXXXX!? However, he laughed about something that I said about riding on the metro, I noticed his fatal flaw! He had perfect teeth! Boring PERFECT TEETH! No snaggle tooth! Nada! Absent! The characteristic trait of a Jordan! The unique SNAGGLE TOOTH! BAHAHAHAHAHAH! I almost jumped out of my seat and exposed him for the saboteur that he is! He is no Jordan! How dare he use that name to disguise his plainness!
My boss had come back during his fit of laughter, and ushered him to her office. They were going to go to dinner together, and talk about whatever fake Jordans talk about. My boss gave him a few bags to carry down to her car; She said her goodbyes and told me I could stay till 7pm if I wanted. I felt very proud, because I had unmasked the deceiver that tried to pass himself off as a Jordan. However, right before he left, I said: "Goodbye, Jordan. It was nice to meet you!", He looked at me and said:
I think I sighed I'm not sure..because I gave a slight pause...
"Yep, He's a Jordan" I thought to myself....
"It's ok. My name is Brooke."
"Ahhh brooke..right. Well it was nice meeting you. See you around"
I sat there for a bit. Not even noticing that it was way past 6pm. As the footsteps faded down the hall, I was left with the realization that despite all the evidence..Jordan was a Jordan. How did I come to this sad truth? Because I was so easily forgotten. I was so easily replaced. Briana? No..I am a Brooke.
I will mostly likely never see or speak to him ever again. Our encounter was brief, and obviously easily forgettable. I'm sure I could think of a million and one reasons why he forgot my name. Maybe if I were skinny, blond, with blue eyes, or fuck if I know had a huge eye ball on my head..maybe he would have remembered...Maybe my name wouldn't have dissolved in the back of his mouth like sugar. Who knows? Instead of turning into my roommate-a raging teenwolf of hormonal insecurity filled with a billion of questions why her man left her...yeah instead of being like that..I'm going to let it go. I will never know why I was so easily forgotten or replaced. I will only know my side of the story. Instead of bunching myself up like a ball of yarn with a billion questions of "WHY?", I will be the kitty, that plays with that ball of yarn for a moment and gets bored with it..and walks over to the window sill and falls asleep....
I will accept reality for what it is. I met a guy named Jordan today, and had a great conversations about how expensive the metro is in DC. Even though he forgot my name, I still made him laugh for a brief moment...that has got to count for something :)